Vrogros, the Underlord, is a melee strength hero whose commanding presence is crucial to his team’s success. With his long-lasting abilities, Underlord is able to control wide areas of the battlefield during teamfights and skirmishes. Raining down damage from afar with Firestorm, he clears out creeps and discourages enemies from approaching. With his ultimate, Dark Rift, he can teleport his entire team across the map, taking enemies by surprise, pushing in lanes while the other team is dead or out of position. He can also use it as an escape mechanism, bringing himself and his own team to safety in a dicey situation. Enemies’ base attack damage are reduced around Underlord by his Atrophy Aura, making him and his team far more durable when dealing with physical damage. The aura also provides him with damage with the death of nearby enemy creeps and heroes, making him an excellent laner and a strong pusher after a won teamfight as well. One of the best area disables in the game, Pit of Malice presents a very large obstacle for enemies, especially melee attackers. With it, Underlord can repeatedly ensnare multiple enemies at once, making him a potent and disruptive opponent in any teamfight.
Mục Lục
Vrogros, the Underlord
[external_link_head]▶️ “Nothing can stop us. Nothing can slow our march. And when we have arrived, all will burn.”
Neither myth nor song exist to tell of their coming.
Deep below the surface of the world lay unknown wonders and horrors. Down and down again, well beneath the slithering magma fields and simmering roots of dormant volcanoes stands the obsidian city of Aziyog, its incomparable stonework spanning an endless cavern. Within honeycomb walls mortared with the bones of countless slaves lies the domain of the Abyssal Horde, and their brutal underlord Vrogros.
Armed by the monstrous forgemasters of his kind and well-practiced in the arts of the Dark Rift, Vrogros is able to conjure forth flame and crippling malice through the twist between worlds. He seeks always to expand his holdings, destroying or enslaving all he encounters. Yet the lands offered by the subterranean realm are few, and so his sights have turned upward. By his command the first waves of abyssal invaders have already marched through the rift, a few doomed legions meant merely to test the might of nations above. Now, as his full force readies itself for unending conquest, Vrogros himself steps into a sunlit world to announce his coming reign. Those who face the Underlord will bow and pay tribute, or be crushed where they stand.
( Self)
Calls down waves of fire that damage enemy units in the target area, burning for additional damage over time.
Cast Animation: 0.5+0.6 ( 0.25+0.85)
Cast Range: 600/625/650/675
Effect Radius: 425 ( 500)
Number of Waves: 6 ( 9)
Wave Interval: 1
Damage per Wave: 25/40/55/70
Max Health as Damage per Second: 1%/2%/3%/4% ( 2%/3%/4%/5%)
Burn Duration: 2
12 ( 8)
Firestorm can be self-targeted. When used that way, the Firestorm follows Underlord around. Increases the wave count by 3. Reduced cast point by half.
Attempts to damage if debuff was placed before spell immunity.
modifier_abyssal_underlord_firestorm_thinker: Undispellable. Persists death.
modifier_abyssal_underlord_firestorm_burn: Dispellable with any dispel.
modifier_abyssal_underlord_firestorm_burn: Dispellable with any dispel.
The flames of conquest blaze forth from the darkest depths of the abyss.
- The visual and audio effects at the targeted area during the cast time are visible and audible to allies only.
- Despite the visual effects, the damage is applied instantly, and not upon the waves landing.
- On each wave, Firestorm first applies the damage, then the debuff.
- Does not place the burn debuff on Roshan, but does apply the wave damage.
- The burn debuff deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting immediately as the debuff is applied, resulting in 3 instances.
- The burn debuff does not stack per interval. Each interval refreshes its duration, resulting in 8 ( 11) possible instances.
- Can deal up to 150/240/330/420 + 8%/16%/24%/32% ( 16%/24%/32%/40%) of maximum health as damage (before reductions) when all waves hit.
- With Aghanim’s Shard, Firestorm additionally gains self-targeting functionality. It cannot target other units.
- ↓↓ Double-tapping automatically targets self.
- When targeting self, the waves area is created and centered along with Underlord’s current location for the full duration, and follows if he moves, instead of staying at the original cast location.
A deadly pit is conjured at the target location; any unit that enters will be rooted. Each enemy unit within the pit are affected every 3.6 seconds.
Cast Animation: 0.45+0.6
Cast Range: 675
Effect Radius: 400 ( 475)
Root Interval: 3.6
[external_link offset=1]Root Duration: 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8 ( 1.85/2.05/2.25/2.45)
Pit Duration: 12
modifier_abyssal_underlord_pit_of_malice_thinker: Undispellable. Persists death.
modifier_abyssal_underlord_pit_of_malice_buff_placer: Dispellable with death only.
modifier_abyssal_underlord_pit_of_malice_ensare: Dispellable with any dispel.
Twisting into the seams of reality itself, Vrogros’ manifest hatred paralyzes those who defy his will.
- The visual and audio effects at the targeted area during the cast time are visible and audible to allies only.
- Roots the targets, preventing them from moving and casting certain mobility abilities.
- Fully affects invisible units and units inside the Fog of War.
- Provides True Sight over the targets.
- The root is applied periodically on every enemy within the area.
- However, the hidden modifier prevents them from being continuously rooted for the whole duration.
- This hidden modifier is applied on every unit within the area which does not have the modifier yet. The modifier lasts for 3.6 seconds.
- Whenever the modifier expires, enemies get instantly rooted again, and then the hidden modifier is reapplied again.
- This means that Pit of Malice does not root every unit within the area in set intervals. Each unit is rooted every 3.6 seconds based on when they entered the area.
- The hidden modifier does not disappear upon leaving the area. Quickly leaving and re-entering does not result in an instant-root.
- All pits share the same modifier, therefore the root does not stack — once rooted, the unit becomes immune to all other pits until the modifier wears off.
- Can root a unit up to 4 times if it stays within the area for the full duration, resulting in a total root time of 4.8/5.6/6.4/7.2 ( 7.4/8.2/9/9.8) seconds.
- Creates a distinct visual effect around, and plays a distinct sound on affected heroes and illusions, but not around other affected units.
Nearby enemy units are weakened, losing a portion of their base damage. If an enemy dies while under this effect, Underlord gains temporary bonus damage.
Radius: 900
Attack Damage Reduction: 5%/15%/25%/35% ( 20%/30%/40%/50%)
Attack Damage Bonus per Hero Death: 30/35/40/45
Attack Damage Bonus per Non-Hero Death: 2/4/6/8
Attack Damage Bonus Duration: 30/45/60/75
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Allied Bonus Percentage: 50%
Disables aura and prevents gaining new stacks. Already existing stacks still provide bonus attack damage.
Illusions carry the aura.
When an enemy unit dies around an illusion which is or was under Underlord’s control, the damage is granted to Underlord. If the source of the illusion is an enemy or allied ability, the damage is granted to the illusion, although the illusion cannot make use of it.
modifier_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura: Undispellable. Persists death.
modifier_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_dmg_buff_counter: Undispellable. Persists death.
modifier_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_creep_buff: Undispellable. Persists death.
modifier_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_hero_buff: Undispellable. Persists death.
modifier_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_effect: Undispellable. Persists death.
To merely stand in the presence of the Underlord is to feel the conviction of battle sapped from one’s soul.
- Only reduces base damage and that given by the primary attribute of affected units within the radius. Raw bonus damage is not reduced.
- The aura does not affect invulnerable or hidden units, and its debuff lingers for 0.5 seconds.
- It does not matter how an enemy unit dies, Underlord gets the bonus damage as long as the dying enemy unit was affected by the debuff.
- However, Underlord does not gain the bonus damage if he is invulnerable or hidden as the enemy dies.
- Each damage increment per dying unit lasts for the set duration. Gaining more damage does not refresh the duration of the previous increments.
- The damage bonuses persist through Underlord’s death.
- A status buff icon appears whenever Underlord gains damage from the aura. The buff shows how much damage the aura currently grants.
- Underlord’s weapon also glows stronger with green particle effects the more damage stacks he has.
- The attack damage reduction does not affect enemies which have no vision over Underlord.
- However, he still gains damage from dying enemies within the aura’s radius, despite the debuff not being present.
- With the level 25 talent, the aura grants the damage buff to all allied heroes (including illusions, clones, and creep-heroes) within its radius, rather than only to Underlord.
- The bonus damage is not provided by an aura, it is placed as an expiring buff on allies.
- It uses the same modifiers for allies as it does for Underlord, so they work exactly the same.
- Affected allies gain 15/17.5/20/22.5 attack damage per dying hero and 1/2/3/4 attack damage per dying non-hero units.
Opens 2 portals, one next to Underlord and one in the target location up to 4000 range. Allies can channel a portal for 2 seconds to teleport to the other side.
Cast Animation: 0.45+0
Cast Range: 4000
Channel Distance: 400
Channel Time: 2
Portals Duration: 20
Can channel and teleport while rooted or leashed.
modifier_kill: Dispellable with death only.
modifier_magic_immune: Dispellable with death only.
modifier_underlord_portal_fx: Dispellable with death only.
modifier_underlord_portal_warp_channel: Dispellable with death only.
modifier_underlord_portal_warp_channel_soundstop: Dispellable with death only.
Ability Draft Notes:
Long have the forces of the abyss been limited in reach, but with the power of Aghanim in hand, Vrogros’ thirst for conquest grows only stronger.
- The portals cannot be placed inside the fountain area (including the small area in front of the ramp), or in Roshan‘s pit.
- Cannot be placed on unpathable terrain, or spots obscured by trees.
- When cast, allies and enemies get a ‼ Ping on their minimap, showing where the portals are placed.
- The portals are marked on the minimap with a green cylinder if it is an allied, or red if it is an enemy portal.
- Both portals face each other when created, their particle effects point towards each other, indicating in which direction the other portal lies.
- Destroy trees within 300 radius around the portals upon spawning.
- The portals gain their spell immunity through a buff, so it is possible for enemies to ‼ Ping it to display their remaining duration.
- Right Click or giving an attack order (A) on the portal starts the channeling.
- Cannot start the channeling while silenced. However, getting silenced while already channeling does not interrupt it.
- While channeling, the unit gets moved towards the center of the portal over the 2 channel time, so the speed varies based on the distance.
- Upon finishing the channeling, the unit gets teleported to the other portal.
- Does not disjoint projectiles upon teleporting.
- Does not interrupt queued (or ⇧ Shift-queue ) orders upon teleporting.
Opens a dark rift at the targeted friendly unit’s or building’s position. After a short delay, Underlord and all nearby friendly heroes are teleported to that unit’s location. Dark Rift can be cancelled at anytime during the cast. If it is cancelled in this way or the target unit dies before the spell becomes active, Dark Rift goes into cooldown.
Cast Animation: 0.6+0.47
Cast Range: Global
[external_link offset=2]Radius: 600
Teleport Delay: 6/5/4
modifier_abyssal_underlord_dark_rift: Dispellable with death only.
They come without warning, leaving fire and blood where kingdoms once flourished.
- ↓↓ Double-tapping automatically targets the team’s fountain.
- Can be cast on any allied unit, except for heroes, illusions, clones and wards.
- Can target and teleport to invulnerable units. Cannot target hidden units, but the teleport still happens if the target turns hidden after being targeted.
- When ground-targeted, it searches for the nearest valid target on the map and teleports towards it.
- The visual effects around Underlord and on the teleport target are visible to everyone.
- The targeted unit’s priority is lowered, meaning it is attacked as the last auto-attack target by other units.
- Disjoints projectiles upon teleporting for everyone who gets teleported.
- Can only teleport heroes, illusions, clones, and creep-heroes.
- Can teleport them even while invulnerable or hidden.
- When Underlord or the teleport target dies during the delay, Dark Rift is canceled.
Cast Animation: 0+1.07
- Replaces Dark Rift until the sub-ability is used or the teleport completes.
- Interrupts Underlord’s channeling abilities upon cast.
Recent Changes[]
- Level 10 left talent: +125 Firestorm radius reduced to +100.
- Level 20 left talent: +12% Atrophy Aura attack damage reduction increased to +15%.
Recommended Items[]
Starting items:
Early game:
Mid game:
Late game:
Situational items:
- Pipe of Insight reduces incoming magical damage, making Underlord and his team even more durable.
- Crimson Guard, along with Atrophy Aura, greatly diminishes enemy damage against Underlord and his team.
- Rod of Atos helps chain rooting enemies inside Firestorm.
- Lotus Orb helps deflect magical nuke damage, and is useful on allied carries when pushing towers.
- Urn of Shadows provides Underlord with a heal, increased mana regeneration, and more attributes.
- Blink Dagger is good for initiating with Pit of Malice.
- Force Staff improves Underlord’s mobility, and lets him push enemies into Pit of Malice.
- Eul’s Scepter of Divinity helps Underlord with his low mana, and boosts his movement speed to keep enemies within Atrophy Aura’s range. The cyclone active helps him set up Pit of Malice.
- Blade Mail deters enemies from attacking Underlord.
- Assault Cuirass combined with Atrophy Aura greatly reduces enemy damage output.
- Heart of Tarrasque gives Underlord great durability, and allows him to hit even harder.
- Radiance is a highly situational item, and is great for teamfights and pushes. Burning down creeps is a good way to feed Atrophy Aura’s bonus damage bonus, and the extra evasion make Underlord even more durable.
- Linken’s Sphere shields Underlord and his teammates from being disabled.
- Aghanim’s Scepter grants some attack bonus damage of Atrophy Aura to allies, a useful item for a team of heroes who rely on physical attacks to deal damage.
- Underlord is named Azgalor, the Pit Lord in DotA.[1]
- His title, Pit Lord, was changed to avoid possible copyright infringements with Blizzard Entertainment, since the Pit Lords are a race of demons in the Warcraft universe.[2]
- His name, Azgalor, was also changed for the same reason. Azgalor was a character from the Warcraft universe as well, who served one of the main antagonists of the Warcraft universe as a well known commander.[3]
- According to the Bastion Announcer, ▶️ “Pyre Lord” was also a proposed name for Underlord.
- Up until the June 23, 2016 Patch, Underlord’s title was “Abyssal Underlord”. While the rationale of dropping “Abyssal” is unclear, it may have been to prevent confusion with the shorthand terminology of Abyssal Blade.
- Underlord had been developed since 2012; he already had a beta model, placeholder ability icons and fully finished and working abilities. He could also be spawned in lobbies with cheats enabled for a short while before it was disabled.
- This suggests that his release was originally planned much earlier (as a comparison, all other heroes were released shortly after their files were added to the game), but was delayed for reasons unknown.
- Before his release, Underlord was showcased at the All-Star match of The International 2016, played by N0tail. He originally picked Sand King, but a bit after the start of the game, SirActionSlacks replaced his pick by Underlord.
- The line Underlord says after killing Bane, ▶️ “You have my permission to die.”, is a reference to the famous line “When Gotham is ashes, you have my permission to die”, said by the villain Bane from the movie The Dark Knight Rises.
- Underlord’s line when casting Dark Rift, ▶️ “Hold on to your butts!”, was spoken by Samuel L. Jackson’s character Ray Arnold in the movie Jurassic Park (1993).
- Underlord was the final DotA hero ported over, before Dota 2 began to feature original heroes.
In-game model
Early teaser
Splash art
Splash art
Concept art
Concept art
Concept art
Concept art
Concept art
Concept art
Early model
Ability icon progress