Category Archives: Game


thrall dota

Disruptor, the Stormcrafter, is a ranged intelligence hero who requires good positioning to use his abilities effectively. His signature ability is Kinetic Field, a pseudo-disable that traps enemies within a small area for a long duration. Combined with his Static Storm, Disruptor can act as the initiator for a teamfight, or supplement his teammates’ initiation very well. Glimpse is another powerful spell that forces enemies to watch their movements, as Disruptor can easily drag them back to a p


medusa dota

Medusa, the Gorgon, is a ranged agility hero. Highly item-dependent, she acts as a carry who can potentially strike down entire teams at once while protected by tank-like survivability. Split Shot allows her attacks to hit multiple targets, greatly increasing the potency of damage-granting items. Mystic Snake grants Medusa some presence in the lane and skirmishes, and its mana stealing refunds part of the cost to boot, making it an excellent farming and harassing tool. Mana Shield protects her f


dota 2 abaddon

Abaddon, the Lord of Avernus, is a melee strength hero known as one of the most versatile characters in Dota due to his rather low mana dependence, short spell cooldowns and a large number of viable item choices. His ability to help sustain his allies and himself plus his strong tower diving capacity give him solid lane presence. Many of his abilities offer a large sum of utility, which makes him a strong support hero. Mist Coil serves as both a single target nuke and heal that helps shift the s