“…It’s clear to me that no being in this universe possesses the power to seal away my magic. How wonderful it is not to have to fear that anymore.“
— “Outer Space Battle”
Moro (モロ Moro), known as “Planet-Eater Moro” or “Moro, Consumer of Worlds” (星喰いのモロ Hoshikui no Moro), is a powerful wizard who threatened Universe 7 about ten million years ago. He is the main antagonist of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga.
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Concept and Creation
Moro was designed by Toyotarō. He was designed with the intent of appearing as a being of pure evil who the reader could not see as ever becoming good (like King Piccolo). He was based off western demons, specifically goat-like ones.[1] He was also based partially off the grim reaper.[2]
“Moro” is a regional Japanese word for shark cutlet (sometimes topped with soy sauce-boiled vegetables) and is presumably his name origin. Moro’s name may also be a reference to the Canaanite deity Moloch or the personification of impending doom and destruction in Greek mythology named Moros.
Moro cloaked
Moro appears as a towering humanoid goat with blue skin and two horns on the sides of his head that curl around to point forward near his cheeks. He has long pointy ears, pronounced brow ridges, long dark nails, and brown tufts of fur on his shoulders. His snout possesses a lighter blue color with linings noticeably present on each side of his snout. He dresses in long red robes with a hood and has baggy dark pants with a fur pelt wrapped around his waist and white bandages around his wrists and ankles. After eons of imprisonment and drained of most of his power, his appearance became very elderly with a scrawny, if not malnourished, frame. He stands in a slouch with a hunchback, has deep wrinkles, and sports a long, shaggy white beard reaching his abdomen.
Moro’s primary appearances
After absorbing all of Goku and Vegeta’s energy, Moro became noticeably younger-looking with proper posture and no hump plus fewer wrinkles. He also became fairly muscular and his beard shrunk to reach his collarbone. After taking almost all of New Namek’s energy, Moro’s beard shrunk to a trimmed length, and had only minor wrinkles. Once he absorbed the last bit of life energy on New Namek, Moro’s beard disappeared while regaining a very youthful and well-muscled appearance.
When he has been part-way restored, Moro’s aura is a purple color. In his prime and after he has absorbed Seven-Three, when using his full power, Moro possesses an orange aura.
The symbol on Moro’s belt is the letter “A” in the Galactic Patrol’s language.[3]
“…I detest the sort of peace that you people want to preserve on this planet and others. All those who would strive for such nonsense…should be eradicated.“
— “Great Escape”
Moro has no respect for life in general. Rather, he views them all as food for his pleasure and scoffs at people who try to stop him. He is very deceitful and manipulative, having used Cranberry to help restore his power, immediately eliminating him after he outlived his usefulness, as well as feigning his weakness until he was able to absorb enough of Vegeta’s energy to defeat him. Also despite his arrogance, Moro is not without caution, as when he learned that Goku and Vegeta were training for a rematch with him, he decided to go absorb as many people and planets’ energy as possible so he would be stronger too once they confront him again. At the same time, because of his selfishness and amorality, Moro has contempt for real empowerment through training, firmly believing that those who do are idiots.
Moro normally speaks in a calm, collected tone, but his calm demeanor gives way to extreme rage when in the presence of the Grand Supreme Kai, since he has harbored a grudge against him for eons. In fact, Moro also has no respect for the gods in general, since by destroying everything they create, he believes he is above them and, therefore, is not subject to having his actions judged by them. He also demonstrates a mocking sadism when he has the advantage over his opponents by using his opponent’s own techniques against them and deriding them constantly.
Moro holds a strong command and does not like it when his subordinates act on their own. This is seen when the Macareni Gang went to Earth without informing Moro beforehand, and upon learning this, Moro sent a scouting party to search the planet and ordered Shimorekka to kill the Macareni Gang, stating traitors acting on their own are dispensable.
Aside from Seven-Three, who Moro had special interest in due to his Copy Ability, he cares nothing for the wellbeing of his own men, and purposefully pumped more energy into Saganbo, knowing the damage it was doing to his body, and eventually caused his death, even going so far as to mock him afterwards. He then told Goku that he saw him only as a soldier of which more can be collected. This uncaring nature later comes into play once again when backed into a corner, as Moro had no qualms over killing a concerned Shimorekka (due to being a possible interference) and proceeded to literally consume Seven-Three and his abilities as to regain the advantage in battle.
In battle, Moro shows extreme arrogant pride in his powers to the point of proclaiming himself as the “supreme existence” of Universe 7. Because of this, he believes himself to be completely unsurpassed, remaining in constant denial whenever he is oppressed or subdued. Notably, the warlock has shown a genuine fear of dying, having acquired the firm conviction that by devouring all forms of life created by the gods since immemorial times, he is destined to live forever. As such, if the possibility of him being killed in battle becomes real, he will become erratic and fierce when pressed, but if he realizes that he will have no chance of victory, Moro will cower to the point of retreating and even resort to faked clemency to avoid being killed, and possibly to trick them into letting him regain his strength.
A very characteristic mental trait shown by Moro was his inability to have any personal growth. Even when he was offered a chance to repent and return peacefully to prison, he remained adamant about wanting to rethink his actions, remaining solely eager to obtain just more power so that he could live freely doing whatever he wanted without consequence. He was also unable to recognize that his power acquired by stealing them from others was inferior when compared to those who obtained it through self-effort. Ultimately, as result of the immense power he gained from Merus, Moro eventually goes insane, degenerating into a cackling mess, what ultimately caused his death.
Moro during the flashback
Moro destroyed the Iragi Star System and brought about the mass extinction of life on 320 planets. During his fight with the Grand Supreme Kai and the South Supreme Kai, Moro used his magic to pelt the Supreme Kais with comets. Upon absorbing life energy from a nearby planet, Moro condenses the energy into a ball and eats it, causing his strength to grow even further. Ultimately, the Grand Supreme Kai uses up his god power and successfully seals away Moro’s magic where he is then imprisoned by the Galactic Police. He is sentenced to death but nobody is strong enough to end his life, so he stayed locked away for the next 10 million years.
Dragon Ball Super
Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga
Main article: Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga A few years before the end of the Broly Saga, and around the destruction of Kid Buu by Goku, the Grand Supreme Kai’s seal on Moro’s magic broke. This allowed him to break out of the Galactic Patrol’s prison, which Merus believes to be due to him gradually regaining some of his magic.
Moro strangling Esca
Moro escaped on a spaceship with Cranberry and heads for New Namek in order to obtain the Dragon Balls. Along the way he tells Cranberry about how he’s finally free after 10 million years and that he was fortunate to even have an ounce of his magic return before his lifespan ended in prison. When he reaches New Namek he meets Goku and Vegeta. While they are talking, Moro uses his powers to pull Esca out of a nearby house and tries to kill him. Vegeta saves Esca immediately as he promised that he won’t let Moro kill any Namekians. Shortly after that, Vegeta starts fighting Moro but Moro isn’t surprised or fazed by Vegeta’s Godly power. After exchanging a few blows, Moro removes his robe and reveals the true form he was hiding. He’s now ready to face Vegeta and tells him that if Vegeta wants to see his magic powers, he will gladly demonstrate his prowess. As it seems that the Prince is overpowering him, he is secretly sucking the life essence from Vegeta causing Moro to look younger and become stronger too.
Moro kills the Namekian Savior
Moro defeats Vegeta and Goku, leaving them for dead and goes off to look for the other Dragon Balls. Moro heads to a Namekian village where he begins to torture and kills some of the villagers in order to obtain information on a Dragon Ball. He kills a Namekian Warrior nonchalantly, demonstrating his increased power and retrieves the Dragon Ball. Now with six in his possession, he makes his way for the final ball where Goku and Vegeta are located. He confronts Goku and Vegeta again, but Merus interrupts them. When he fights Merus, he is caught off guard by Merus and is temporarily trapped, but is enraged and breaks free when he senses the Grand Supreme Kai’s presence in Majin Buu. However, Buu proves to be more than a match for Moro, easily pinning him down.
Fortunately for Moro, Cranberry was able to finish collecting the Namekian Dragon Balls. Moro quickly has Cranberry use his second wish to restore his full magic power. He quickly rushes to Cranberry’s location, kills him, and steals the third wish. Upon being confronted by Goku and Vegeta, he says they will figure out his final wish on their own when the time comes. He teleports away from view to a nearby cliff.
Moro exchanging blows with the Grand Supreme Kai
Shortly after he attempts to draw energy from Namek but is interrupted by the appearance of Goku, Vegeta, and the Grand Supreme Kai who have teleported to his location. Moro kicks the Kai further out into outer space where the two Saiyans can’t follow and proceeds to overwhelm the Kai with his superior power, whilst noting the Kai’s inability to cast the sealing spell on him and proclaiming that there is nobody in the galaxy that can stop him now. During the battle, Merus appears and distracts Moro long enough for the Kai to grab a hold of him and teleport him back to Namek where Goku and Vegeta are waiting for him. When Vegeta vows to destroy him, Moro reminds them that they have forgotten about his third wish. It is revealed the wish was for every prisoner in the Galactic Prison to go free.
Moro consumes Zoon’s energy
The prisoners board a spaceship led by Saganbo and head to New Namek to be beside Moro. Moro commends Saganbo and as promised shares his power with all the prisoners, empowering them significantly. As the prisoners battle Goku, Vegeta, and Grand Supreme Kai, Moro begins absorbing energy from them and the planet once again. Goku asks why he is doing all this and Moro responds by telling him that he desires to create an ideal galaxy where he is free to consume planets.
With no other choice, Goku and everyone else escapes from New Namek just before it dies. Moro has Saganbo send out his scouts so that they can seek out planets with a lot of life energy and makes his way to Zoon where he absorbs all of the planet’s energy and consumes it.
Later, Saganbo informs him that they have received a distress signal from the Macareni gang. Moro, believing that the inhabitants could be strong, has Saganbo send out a stronger scouting party to verify it, saying that he will devour the planet if it proves to be of quality.
Moro and Saganbo watch the events on Earth
After Shimorekka contacts Saganbo to relay information on the situation on Earth, Moro learns that Seven-Three had already made use of his abilities. Curious to see how his abilities are being put to use, Shimorekka switches to monitor mode so they can see what is happening. Moro is surprised to see how much Earth has evolved over the last ten million years and that it hosts warriors even more powerful than his men. After hearing that Goku and Vegeta are training to defeat him, Moro has Saganbo order his men to retreat believing that he can get more energy out of them later. He vows to consume the two Saiyans upon their return along with the Earth.
Shortly afterwards, Moro senses Vegeta’s newfound might after he dispatches of Yuzun. Delighted, Moro vows to stock up and reach the outer limits of his power before traveling to Earth, wondering if he even has limits in the first place. Over the next two months, he devours more planets across the galaxy. After heading to Earth, his henchmen scatter across the planet to steal its treasures. Moro watches as his men struggle in their confrontation of the Dragon Team, deriding them for not even performing to his lowest of expectations and ponders on which one of the warriors he will devour first.
Moro grabs OG73-i
The ship descends to the ground below and as Android 17 almost defeats Seven-Three, Moro arrives, grabbing Seven-Three by the head. Saying that he should not have used his abilities so casually, he tosses him to Shimorekka and tells him to help him recover, as he will make use of him again. As Saganbo joins Moro, Piccolo and Gohan point out Moro’s terrifying power. Moro notes that the other two Saiyans are not here, but Gohan says that they will come and, until then, they are in charge of protecting Earth.
In good spirits due to the amount of high energy individuals there are on Earth, Moro wonders how best to go about consuming them. Saganbo suggests that he handle them himself, not happy with how the rest of his crew has performed and Moro allows it as long as he keeps them alive. Before heading into battle, Moro gives Saganbo some of his energy, which dramatically powers him up.
Moro gives Saganbo his power
Moro watches as Saganbo overwhelms the members of the Dragon Team, until Goku teleports to the battlefield and begins attacking Saganbo with a series of attacks at such extreme speed that only Moro and Jaco can see. When Saganbo stands to continue his battle with Goku, Moro continues to power him up with his energy even though it begins to cause his body to break down from the pressure. Goku, while in his Super Saiyan Blue form shouts at Moro to stop and goes in with an attack though Moro easily blocks it. Saganbo meanwhile, having reached his limit dies from the strain with Moro mocking him for not being able to withstand the smidgen of energy he had given him. When Goku asks if Saganbo was meant to be friends, Moro tells him that he was just a soldier and can collect more.
[external_link offset=1]Moro lets loose his energy
As Goku now prepares to face Moro, he transforms into Ultra Instinct Sign, shocking Moro who realizes that the technique is one of the gods. As the two get into battle positions, Moro soon finds himself being struck by Goku’s air blasts, punches thrown from a standstill position, and attempts to counter with a series of energy blasts. When Goku gets in close, Moro finds himself at a disadvantage due to his agility and attempts to use his magic to immobilize him, as well as using an illusion to try and trick him, nevertheless both fail.
Moro unleashes more of his full power
After blocking Goku’s Kamehameha, the two continue a close-quarters battle in the sky with Goku appearing to have the upper hand. Moro uses his magic to draw Goku in before the two land powerful simultaneous blows on each others stomach. Moro tries to absorb energy from Goku but with a quick display of speed, Goku is able to avoid it and after a series of attacks manages to knock Moro down. Moro calls out Goku’s apparent eagerness in trying to end the battle and tells him that he has made a grave error in thinking that he has found a way around his energy absorption. Telling Goku he is a fool for thinking he is only capable of what he has shown so far, Moro further powers up using energy he had obtained from consuming countless worlds. Moro fires a single blast at Goku and after he deflects it, Moro grabs him from behind, wraps his arms around Goku’s torso and squeezes Goku’s torso, causing Goku to drop out of Ultra Instinct. Moro then squeezes Goku’s head and throws him at a rock. Deducing why Goku appeared to be in such a rush and why he didn’t use the state the whole time against Saganbo, Moro realizes that Goku can not maintain the state for long. After Goku returns to his feet and powers back up into the form stating that Moro stalled until Goku’s Ultra Instinct wore off because Moro was not confident in fighting Goku’s full power, Moro finds himself intrigued and ready for more.
Moro and Goku fight at full power
The two power up to their full power and continue fighting, appearing to be an equal match for each other until Goku knocks Moro down at which point, after standing back up, Moro admits that he had been too cautious earlier and will not lose to Goku if that is the true extent of his power. As Goku begins to slow down after hitting his limit, Moro gains a clear edge in battle, even after one last desperate push, Moro soundly begins to beat Goku until he drops out of his Ultra Instinct Sign form. When he attempts to absorb Goku’s energy, Android 17 and Android 18 intervene and Moro is impressed that the planet is capable of creating artificial life forms. As the two androids fail to leave much of a mark on Moro, Vegeta finally returns to Earth. Moro boasts that he has grown too powerful and is tired of fighters being unable to match him. Vegeta transforms into his Super Saiyan God SS Evolved form and charges Moro.
Moro’s new form
At first, Moro has little trouble battling Vegeta, but as the fight goes on, Vegeta reveals the fruits of his training on Yardrat – Forced Spirit Fission. All of the energy Moro had drained since his escape from the Galactic Prison was slowly beaten out of him, quickly turning the battle to Vegeta’s favor and reverting the planet-eater to his old and decrepit state. Appearing completely drained and on the verge of death, Jaco encourages Vegeta to kill Moro then and there. However, before he could be finished off he reveals his trump card; still able to use his magic, he makes his way up to the ship where the last of his soldiers took shelter. Killing Shimorekka and consuming Seven-Three, Moro assumes a new form with a face resembling Seven-Three’s and quickly incapacitates Vegeta. He reveals that just prior to this battle, he had Seven-Three store a copy of the all his accumulated power and abilities up to that point, adding it to his own. Now stronger than ever, he also reveals that in addition to his power boost, he also has access to Seven-Three’s capacities, and he prepares to continue the battle.
Moro pierces Goku’s chest
When Vegeta returns, Moro easily evades his attacks, informing everyone that despite Seven-Three’s storage of Moro’s previous might being a copy, it is permanent as he is the originator of it. He then grabs Vegeta by the neck and copies his capacities. Moro beats around Vegeta before finishing him off with a Big Bang Attack. Gohan and Piccolo attack in unison against Moro and distract him long enough for Gohan to ensnare him using Gotenks’ Galactic Donut technique. Goku, now having powered up to Super Saiyan Blue, performs the Instant Kamehameha, but this only results in him destroying Moro’s left arm. Moro’s arm quickly regenerates and he drives it straight through Goku’s chest, informing everyone that he has access to all the powers and abilities of everyone Seven-Three ever copied and with no time limit. Gohan finally snaps and attacks Moro, though is unable to so much as make him flinch before he’s punched in the face, getting several of his teeth knocked out as a result.
Piccolo is struck down by Moro’s Special Beam Cannon
Dende telepathically contacts Piccolo and tells him his intended plan, but Piccolo realizes that Moro can hear him as well. Not wanting anyone to interfere, Moro erects a barrier that prevents anyone from entering or leaving. Moro proceeds to take down Android 17 and 18 and, as a last resort and using the barrier to his advantage, Piccolo attempts an all-or-nothing attack but, before he gets the chance to fire it off, he is struck down by a Special Beam Cannon fired by Moro leaving Jaco all alone. Moro advances toward Jaco, telling him that his limited energy is of no use to him and a terrified Jaco fires off a shot from his Ray Gun, only for a second shot to appear and create a greater explosion than was expected.
Moro then notices that the culprit is Merus and that he knows the latter is not really a member of the Galactic Patrol. Upon noticing that the fallen Dragon Team warriors have been transported elsewhere, Moro dispels the barrier surrounding the area. Merus confronts Moro in order to buy some time for Goku and his friends to be healed and Moro is quick to realize that Merus must be some form of deity. Moro holds his own in combat but senses that Merus is still holding back his true power, questioning why he would use a tool to fight.
Merus destroys the final crystal on Moro’s body
After Goku returns, he quickly re-enters the battle against Moro so that Merus need not risk breaking his code and suffer from the consequences. Goku is unable to land a single blow on Moro who asks why he thinks he would succeed now when he failed already once before and easily takes him down. Moro attempts to grab Merus by the neck in order to copy his abilities but summoning his Angel Attendant’s Staff he quickly severs Moro’s arm, though it quickly regenerates. Merus decides to use his true powers as an Angel in order to seal away Moro’s copy ability. Merus easily overwhelms Moro as he destroys the two crystals on Moro’s palms followed by the crystal on his forehead before fading away, entrusting Goku to protect the galaxy that he has grown to love.
Goku greatly overpowers Moro
As Moro returns, Goku informs him that Merus has now passed on and he will do the job himself as he enters into the Perfected Ultra Instinct state. The sight of Goku’s new form unnerves Moro and he attempts to throw an energy blast at him but is halted by Goku before he has the chance. Moro tries to hit Goku, however, every one of his attacks is either blocked or dodged. In a fit of rage, Moro uses his full power but is unable to close the gap, even when resorting to using the planet’s own energy as a weapon and later attempting to consume the planet’s energy. Moro is sent hurtling into a rock by Goku, with a large chunk breaking away from the impact and pinning Moro underneath. With not even the energy to move the rock from him, Moro begins to beg for his life. Goku destroys the rocks and taking the Senzu Beans from the newly arrived Krillin, offers to spare him if he promises to return to the Galactic Prison and vows to never break out again. Moro hastily accepts his offer and eats the bean.
Moro breaks his arm on Goku’s body
However, Moro lies to Goku and immediately attacks, him only to break his arm on Goku’s body. Goku calls him a coward and drops back down to his normal state asking Moro if he has ever trained before. When Moro says that he has not because it is for the weak, Goku says that it is a pity as he could have grown stronger through training than he ever did by eating planets and would have loved the opportunity to fight with him again. Once more Goku asks if he will return to prison but Moro spots his previously severed arm behind Goku and vows to continue his ways causing Goku to tap back into Perfected Ultra Instinct to finish him.
Moro’s enlarged body
Moro summons his arm and attaches it, gaining Merus’ power and ability and evolves further. In their first exchange, Moro manages to snatch the bag of Senzu Beans from Goku and crush them. The two battle once more with Moro amazed at what his body is now capable of. Racing across the planet, Moro kicks Goku into a mountain but as they continue, Moro’s body begins to swell with Whis explaining that his body is attempting to contain the Angel power coursing throughout him. As Goku gains the advantage, an enraged Moro realizes that he must attain a body strong enough to endure the power. Moro decides to merge himself with Earth with Whis telling everyone that Moro’s fate is now tied to the planet’s. In addition, his body now risks detonating which will eradicate the galaxy along with it causing Moro to arrogantly laugh at Goku.
Moro grows even larger in size
Moro begins to absorb energy from all those on the planet, boasting that the planet’s energy is now his own and drawing up fists from the very Earth, attacks Goku’s from all directions. As he continues to take in more and more energy, he continues to grow even further causing the crystal on his forehead and the source of his power to fall out of sight. However, Vegeta arrives and uses his Forced Spirit Fission to rip Moro’s spirit from the Earth which causes him to deflate and give Goku one last chance at victory, though the window for opportunity will not last long due to Moro continually draining Vegeta’s energy. Goku charges forward in an attempt to destroy the crystal but Moro is able to halt his momentum using several more arms and drains Goku’s power enough to revert him back to his normal state.
Goku about to shatter Moro’s crystal
All hope appears to be lost, as Moro’s mind begins to break down from the amount of energy coursing throughout him and now moments away from detonating and taking the galaxy out along with him. As Moro squeezes the life from Goku, a huge ball of god power appears. This is transmitted from Vegeta to Goku, allowing him to re-enter Perfected Ultra Instinct but this time also manifest an ethereal avatar made entirely of energy in the shape of Goku that is even larger than Moro. This avatar overpowers Moro and the physical body of Goku leaps out of it. With a single mighty punch, he shatters the crystal. Moro’s body crumbles to pieces before he is consumed by a massive explosion, finally killing him once and for all.
- Manga
Moro’s aura when not fully restored
Moro’s aura at full power
Transformed Moro’s aura while copying Vegeta
Moro boasts a high level of battle power and an even higher level of magic power. With his magic power, he was able to hold an advantage over both Grand Supreme Kai and South Supreme Kai, the two strongest Supreme Kais at the time. However, after Grand Supreme Kai sacrificed most of his godly power to seal Moro’s magical power, he was quickly defeated by the two Supreme Kais – to the point he couldn’t even fight back. Even with the vast majority of his power sealed away, it still sustained him to live on for ten million years, during which the Galactic Patrol were unable to successfully execute him after countless attempts. Even Merus, the strongest of the Galactic Patrol, openly says that Moro’s power is in another league altogether – though this was due to Merus being forced to hide his status as an Angel due to the Angel laws – and highly doubted the combined might of Goku and Vegeta could beat him.
After regaining some of his previous power, he is able to escape his imprisonment. Although his magic abilities are still so weak that even scanning the universe is enough to disorient him. Against Super Saiyan Vegeta, Moro showed noticeable raw might and combat prowess, able to easily evade Vegeta’s attacks and using his special powers can overwhelm him as a Super Saiyan 2. However, he is no match for Super Saiyan God Vegeta, who easily evaded his telekinesis. However Moro was still confident that by using his full magic power, he can defeat Vegeta.
Moro is able to use his magic to manipulate the very elements of the planets life energy to attack Vegeta, quickly pressuring Super Saiyan God Vegeta, who is able to evade the energy attacks with difficulty and is also able to hold back one of New Namek’s energy beams with visible struggle. When Moro powers up by absorbing New Namek’s energy, Goku notes that Vegeta probably would not be able to beat him without using Super Saiyan Blue, with Vegeta stating that Super Saiyan Blue is still beyond Moro’s current level. Moro easily beats around base Vegeta – who is now unable to even become a Super Saiyan due to Moro having absorbed most of his energy. Moro then proceeds to easily defeat the two Saiyans and drains their life force in order to partially restore himself.
After being partially restored, Moro proved strong enough to kill the Namekian Savior without even looking at him. However, Moro is at somewhat of a disadvantage when fighting against Good Buu – who has unlocked his hidden power. Although he’s able to stab Buu without him being able to react in time as well as relatively withstand some of Buu’s energy blasts, he’s still gradually overwhelmed by Buu, mostly in part due to Buu being immune to his magic and regenerative ability. Good Buu notes that power-wise, Moro is a weakling compared to him.
Once Moro’s magic has been fully restored he is able to quickly escape from being restrained by Good Buu, and once his body as been further restored by Namek’s energy, he was able to overwhelm the Grand Supreme Kai without even taking a scratch, though it is noted by Vegeta that if either he or Goku were to fight Moro at full power in Super Saiyan Blue, they would be more powerful than him – barring magic.
After consuming more planets, including Zoon, Moro’s strength increases further with Merus noting that even if they were to confront him now, their odds of victory are practically zero. Over the next two months before arriving on Earth, Moro consumed many more planets to grow stronger and reach his outer limits in anticipation for his battle with the Saiyans. By the time he arrives on Earth, his strength increases enough that he’s able to block an attack from Super Saiyan Blue Goku, despite Goku’s being stronger than before thanks to training. Once facing Goku’s Ultra Instinct Sign, while both weren’t using their full power, Goku’s enhanced agility and reflexes made it very difficult for Moro to defend himself or absorb Goku’s energy. Moro is unable to land any proper hits for the majority of the fight, although Goku is also unable to land any decisive blows on Moro or deal any significant damage. Once unleashing more of his full power, however, Moro was able to easily catch Goku off-guard, catching him in a bear hug, and by squeezing him with enough force, caused Goku to revert to base form, though Goku claims that Moro is unsure of victory against Goku’s full power since he was stalling for time.
Moro unleashes his full power to fight against the fully-powered Ultra Instinct Sign Goku. Moro gets pushed back by Goku’s power up after both of their auras clash against each other for some time. Moro is able to fight toe to toe with Goku until Goku starts to burn out of stamina and thus loses his speed, to which Moro starts overpowering him, prompting the Saiyan to push his Ultra Instinct Sign form to a higher level. He is still able to block Goku’s shots and shortly after, knocks Goku out of the form before attempting to steal the exhausted Saiyan’s energy.
Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta, despite mastering Spirit Control, proves to be unable to make headway against Moro, with Piccolo stating that Moro’s strength is at such a level that no training alone could ever overcome it. However, Moro’s overconfidence let him quickly fall prey to Vegeta’s newest technique, Forced Spirit Fission. Ultimately, Vegeta was able to extract all the accumulated life energy Moro gathered, returning him to his previous decrepit state. Quickly proving no match for Vegeta once more, Moro retreated to acquire Seven-Three, who stored a copy of Moro’s capacities from all the life energy absorbed from the numerous planets since his escape from prison to before his battle on Earth. Upon absorbing the android, Moro transformed into a state said by Goku to be stronger than his prior full power (even before Moro unleashed his new full power), which allowed him to quickly take down Vegeta.
Despite Vegeta’s quick recovery, Moro proved able to calmly evade all of Vegeta’s attacks and swiftly grabbed Vegeta’s neck to copy his powers and abilities for his own use. Piccolo went on to note that due to now possessing Forced Spirit Fission, fusion would be ineffective against Moro. From there, Moro proceeded to near effortlessly defeat all of the Earth’s defenders while deliberately keeping them alive so that he could feast upon their energy, though Ultimate Gohan was able to briefly restrain him with a Galactic Donut and Blue Kaio-ken Goku was able to obliterate his arm with a Kamehameha. Facing Ultra Instinct Sign Goku once more, Moro easily dodged all of his blows and landed a single blow which reverted him to base form. Moro was able to relatively hold his own for a moment against Merus, but when Merus began to use his true power as an angel, the wizard was powerless against him, with Merus destroying all three of his orbs, taking away his copying ability.
Once he faced Goku with Perfected Ultra Instinct Moro was completely overtaken by him even after increasing his power up to maximum and trying to use the Earth’s energy against him, being so brutally beaten by Goku that he begged for his life. Even after being rejuvenated with a senzu bean, Moro was unable to hurt Goku and broke his hand when punching him. Goku told the downed Moro that he has never come across anyone as tough[4] as him and noted that if he had trained instead of stealing energy, he may have ended up even stronger.
After taking the hand that copied Merus’ power, he gained a substantial increase in power, and with this power and instinctive reaction, Moro is able to fight on-par with Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku while going around the earth several times, to which Moro notes that he and Goku’s abilities were now evenly matched, though he noted that magic gave him a leg up. However, his body is unable to properly handle Merus’ power due to his lack of training, and he quickly begins to overload on the power, forcing him to merge with the Earth itself. In this state, it was difficult for Goku to make any headway against Moro, and when he attempted to reach the crystal on his head Moro managed to restrain him with his last set of hands. Once Goku restored all his divine power, he was finally able to obliterate him by destroying his source of power.
- Flight – The ability to fly through the use of ki.
- Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.
- Ki Sense awareness – Moro is capable of telling when someone is sensing his energy, surprising the sensor.
- Telekinesis – A technique that allows the user to manipulate objects and other people with the power of one’s mind.
- Psychic Rock Throw – Moro is capable of throwing comets.
- Psycho Javelin – Moro summons a tree trunk skewer and launches it at the opponent with his telekinesis to inflict a high amount of damage.
Moro drains the life of an entire planet
Moro attacks using New Namek’s life energy
- Magic – Though having an impressive power level, Moro’s true strength lies in magic. With it, he is able to absorb and manipulate life energy as well as levitate objects and numerous other abilities.
- Life Energy Manipulation
- Energy Absorption – Moro is able to gather all life on a planet into an energy ball, which he then consumes – making him stronger than before. Moro is able to select a target and steadily drain their energy without them even being aware, he can choose to target an entire planet and steadily drain it’s energy – though the only living beings affected if he does this will be those in contact with the ground, he is also able to keep this ability up whilst engaged in combat. Moro is also capable of swallowing blasts of ki. When draining energy from a living target, the energy will drain far faster if the target is not concentrating on Moro, this was displayed while Goku and Vegeta were engaged in combat with other foes, causing them to drop to weaker forms at a rapid pace. Energy is food for Moro, and so he will stop consuming it if he is full.
- Eternal Life – Moro is able to increase his lifespan by draining the lives of others, seemingly without end, and was able to survive 10 million years with the energy he gathered. However, he will eventually die of natural causes if he is kept from a source of life energy.
- Fire and Flames – Thanks to his magic, Moro is able to manipulate the life energy of the planet he is on for offensive and defense usage, such usage appears as a flaming pillar. He is capable of doing this until the planet he is utilizing runs out of energy.
- Ray Blast – With enough absorbed energy, Moro surrounds himself with an aura which releases numerous bolts of lightning-like energy blasts.
- Energy Absorption – Moro is able to gather all life on a planet into an energy ball, which he then consumes – making him stronger than before. Moro is able to select a target and steadily drain their energy without them even being aware, he can choose to target an entire planet and steadily drain it’s energy – though the only living beings affected if he does this will be those in contact with the ground, he is also able to keep this ability up whilst engaged in combat. Moro is also capable of swallowing blasts of ki. When draining energy from a living target, the energy will drain far faster if the target is not concentrating on Moro, this was displayed while Goku and Vegeta were engaged in combat with other foes, causing them to drop to weaker forms at a rapid pace. Energy is food for Moro, and so he will stop consuming it if he is full.
- Scanning – Utilizing his magic, Moro is capable of scanning the cosmos, he used this ability to locate the universes life and New Namek. He can also scan the area to sense specific individuals.
- Dragon Ball Sensing – After having observed enough of the Namekian Dragon Balls, Moro displayed the ability to sense their locations.
- Afterimage Sorcery – Using his magic, Moro can create illusionary duplicates of himself to fool his opponents – but they dissipate upon being hit.
- Life Energy Manipulation
Moro’s Full Power Energy Ball
- Wizard Barrier – Using his magic, Moro can create an energy shield around his body, or create a large barrier to cover an area.
- Mind Reading – Using his magic, Moro can force an opponent to relive a memory from their past – with Moro himself being able to see the memory as it unfolds.
- Imprisonment Ball – Using his magic, Moro encases his opponent’s limbs in balls of energy to immobilize them after waving his hand in close proximity.
- Full Power Energy Ball – Using his magic, Moro can absorb energy into an energy sphere to manipulate, which he can use offensively, or convert into a small energy ball to consume. Alternatively, he can create an energy ball of his own ki to throw at his target.
- Energy Shield – Using his magic, Moro shoots a ball of energy into the sky above him which expands and encapsulates a large area, trapping anyone inside with Moro and preventing anyone on the outside from breaking in.
- Ki Transfer – Moro can transfer energy to others to empower them, he did so to his fellow Galactic Patrol Prisoners to greatly enhance their strength.
- Ki Smoke Bomb – Moro fires off energy blasts to create a smokescreen.
- Ruthless Blow – Moro pierces the target’s torso with his arm. Used to kill the Namekian Savior.
- Mouth Energy Wave – Moro is able to shoot an energy wave from his mouth. He initially used it to blast Majin Buu’s head off but was proven ineffective due to Buu’s regenerative abilities. After amplifying his power he used this to injure Ultra Instinct Sign Goku.
- Afterimage Technique – Moro can create afterimages by moving fast to fool his opponents.
Moro paralyzes Seven-Three
- Absorption – Moro is capable of absorption, through one method he encases his target in energy and then forcefully eats them whole, absorbing the target and gaining their abilities.
- Possession – After copying Merus’ powers, Moro can go as far as to fuse his body with an entire planet such as the Earth, taking control of the entire planet and removing the limits of his organic body.
- Copy Ability – After absorbing Seven-Three, Moro gains the ability to copy all of the powers of another entity by touching the back of their neck. However, the ability requires the orbs on his body to work, and if they are shattered, this ability will be nullified, preventing Moro from acquiring any new abilities, with Merus also sealing the ability off. Moro regained one of his orbs from a hand that was cut off however. Moro also has no time limit on the abilities that Seven-Three copied from Piccolo, Gohan and Moro himself.
- Piccolo’s powers – Powers that Seven-Three copied from Piccolo, retained by Moro.
- Special Beam Cannon – Moro fires a piercing spiraling energy beam from his pointer and middle fingers.
- Regeneration – Moro can instantly restore any damage or lost anatomy with no lingering signs.
- Demon Hand – Moro can extends his arms to tremendous lengths and likewise bend them about as he pleases.
- Telepathy – Moro can telepathically communicate with others, and listen in on telepathy exchanged between others.
- Eye Laser – Moro shoots laser-like beams from both eyes.
- Seven-Three displayed Piccolo’s Explosive Demon Wave, Explosive Breath Cannon, Hellzone Grenade, Super Namekian and Great Namekian abilities through copying him, thus – though he has not displayed them – Moro is able to use them too.
- Gohan’s powers – Powers that Seven-Three copied from Gohan, retained by Moro.
- Seven-Three displayed Gohan’s Masendan, Gekiretsu Madan and Potential Unleashed abilities through copying him, thus – though he has not displayed them – Moro is able to use them too.
- Vegeta’s powers – Powers copied from Vegeta.
- Big Bang Attack – Moro fires an energy sphere from his palm.
- Spirit Control – Having copied Vegeta, Moro gained his Spirit Control abilities.
- Forced Spirit Fission – As noted by Piccolo, Moro gained this ability, thus rendering the Z Fighters’ last resort fusion techniques unusable.
- Galick Beam – Used to incapacitate Androids 17 and 18.
- Merus’ powers – Powers copied from Merus.
- Autonomous Ultra Instinct – Used by Moro the moment he gains Merus’ abilities. His body reacts automatically during combat and can increase his defenses instinctively.
- Piccolo’s powers – Powers that Seven-Three copied from Piccolo, retained by Moro.
- Body Manipulation – After absorbing himself into the Earth, Moro could alter his body’s shape to a great degree, being able to sculpt his own head and face from a hillside and generate multiple arms as he required them. He could continue to grow and shift his appearance, concealing the gem on his forehead which was his greatest weakness.
- Self Destruction – After absorbing himself into the Earth, Moro effectively became a giant bomb that was going to self destruct and wipe out the entire galaxy, however he was defeated before this could occur.
- Restoration
Main article: Energy Absorption
Moro fully restored to his prime
Having aged into a decrepit state, Moro is able to restore himself to superior health and power through absorbing large quantities of energy. Each stage of restoration shrinks Moro’s facial hair whilst enlarging his muscles.
However losing this stolen energy will cause him to revert to a prior stage of restoration, until he inevitably returns to his decrepit state.
- Transformed
Main articles: Absorption and Seven-Three
Transformed Moro
After having been reverted to his weakened and malnourished state by Vegeta’s Forced Spirit Fission, Moro absorbs Seven-Three, who had a copy of Moro’s highest level of power, by devouring him whole.
In addition to restoring him to a youthful prime and well-muscled state, unlike his previous power boosts, Moro underwent a noticeable transformation. He lost his goat-like facial structure as his snout becomes flat and humanoid with a nose. Similar to Cell in his Perfect Form, he noticeably possesses stripes that covers the lower sides of his face, while they take on a dark color. His facial features also becomes more like Seven-Three’s including possessing one spherical half gem on his forehead while the other two are now on his palms. His horns becomes noticeably shorter in length but thicker in size, with his horns curvature now less curled and taking on a hook-like curve that points in a downward angle toward his face. The tufts of fur on his shoulder has noticeably shrunk in size and now extends to cover the backside of his neck while the fur pelt around his waist is absent, instead covering the shins of his legs.
Transformed Moro[5] is far more powerful than before, having combined his own remaining might with Seven-Three’s natural might and the stored up ones, including the copy of Moro’s previous highest power. Also in this form, Moro has access to all of Seven-Three’s abilities, including limitless stamina and copying the capacities of anyone whose neck he touches. Unlike Seven-Three however, he is not limited to only three targets to copy and has no time limit to how long he can maintain them. However, if all the gems on his being are destroyed, Moro loses his ability to copy any newer capacities or access his previous ones.
When copying Vegeta to use his attacks, Moro’s aura becomes the same as that of Super Saiyan Blue’s initial aura.
- Copy Angel Power[6]
- Perfected Ultra Instinct
Main article: Perfected Ultra Instinct
Transformed Moro using Perfected Ultra Instinct state
By regaining the cut-off hand that grabbed Merus’s neck, which still housed a gem, and attaching it to his severed wrist, Moro transformed once more. While mainly the same in appearance as previously, his brown fur turned white and his facial stripes become lighter in color. Initially Moro possessed one of Seven-Three’s orbs on his hand, but moved it to his head after completing the transformation. In this state he also possesses heavier musculature than before.
In addition to regaining his power to copy other people’s abilities, he achieved the angel’s tremendous power and access to Perfected Ultra Instinct. With his power, Moro could fight physically on par with Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku. However, lacking the proper training and experience, the more his body reacts to extreme conditions, the more his body gets overwhelmed and begins engorging to contain the immense divine power of Merus.
- Earth absorbed
Main articles: Perfected Ultra Instinct and Earth
Moro after becoming one with Planet Earth
Because his body could not withstand Merus’ Angel power, Moro needed a proper body to contain that power. In desperation, he absorbs himself into the Earth itself,[7] becoming one with it. According to Whis, if Moro is killed while fused with the planet, with his newly acquired power, the resulting explosion would destroy the entire galaxy.
Moro after losing his sanity
While absorbing himself into the Earth allowed him to retain control for a time, as he absorbed more energy from the Earth the size of his manifestation from it increased, causing Moro to go mad with power. His facial features eventually returned to their prior goat-like look, only more engorged and distorted.
- Moro’s Spaceship – The spacecraft used by the Galactic Bandit Brigade in their rampage of Universe 7. It later becomes the headquarters of Moro and the Galactic Patrol Prisoners who serve him.
- Senzu Bean – Mystical beans with immense rejuvenation properties. Moro was given one by Goku.
- Pre-Dragon Ball
- Moro vs. Grand Supreme Kai and South Supreme Kai
- Dragon Ball Super
- Manga
- Moro vs. Vegeta (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan God SS Evolved)
- Moro vs. Goku
- Moro vs. Goku and Vegeta
- Moro vs. Namekian Savior
- Moro vs. Merus and Irico
- Moro vs. Good Buu
- Moro vs. Goku (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue), Vegeta (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue), and Good Buu (Grand Supreme Kai)
- Moro vs. Good Buu (Grand Supreme Kai)
- Moro vs. Merus
- Moro and Saganbo (Empowered/Powerhouse) vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct Sign/Perfected Super Saiyan Blue)
- Moro vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct Sign)
- Moro vs. Android 17 and Android 18
- Moro vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS Evolved)
- Moro (Transformed) vs. Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS Evolved)
- Moro (Transformed) vs. Goku (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue), Gohan (Potential Unleashed), Piccolo, Android 17, Android 18, and Jaco
- Moro (Transformed) vs. Merus
- Moro (Transformed) vs. Goku (Ultra Instinct Sign)
- Moro (Transformed) vs. Merus
- Moro (Transformed/Perfected Ultra Instinct/Earth absorbed) vs. Goku (Perfected Ultra Instinct)
- Moro (Earth absorbed) vs. Goku (Perfected Ultra Instinct/Base/Perfected Super Saiyan Blue) and Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS Evolved/Perfected Super Saiyan Blue/Base)
List of characters killed by Moro
- Numerous lives – Drained the energy of their planet along with their life force.
- Grand Supreme Kai’s friends – Part of the reason Good Buu was so furious to see Moro again.
- Many Namekians – Killed during his search for the Dragon Balls.
- Tanissh – Thrown into a wall of fire.
- Namekian Savior – Killed by Ruthless Blow.
- Tsuburi – Killed by Moro’s onslaught.
- Cranberry – Impaled by Moro after regaining his full magic powers.
- Zoon-seijins – They are all killed along with their home planet by Moro’s Life Drain.
- Saganbo – Killed by Moro as a result of him giving him too much power for his body to handle.
- Shimorekka – Killed by Moro to prevent him from interfering with his absorption of Seven-Three.
- Assists
- Merus – Indirectly killed as a result of Moro forcing Merus to use his true power.
- Moro is the second villain in the Dragon Ball franchise to have merged with the Earth, the first being Xeno Lord Slug.
- Moro’s pride of being a “planet(s)’ eater” cost him his life eventually as he was forced into becoming one with the Earth.
Moro art [external_link offset=2]Moro art Moro notices Goku while locking to his ki Moro’s Electric Shock move Moro explains his magic began to return a few years prior his escape Moro grabs Esca Vegeta saves Esca Moro easily outmaneuvers Super Saiyan Vegeta Moro pins down Vegeta Moro hits Vegeta with Namek’s core energy Moro pressuring Vegeta |