How would you handle an open world Naruto game with CaC? – Anime and Manga – Naruto Message Board

cac game naruto

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Fancystopperman 2 years ago#1


I saw a video of that Naruto game with CaC and it looked terrible.

I’d love to have a Naruto RPG but the Boruto world is so boring and I can’t picture setting the game up during part 1/Shippuden without looking like a self insert.

Deliver the death blow, then. From beyond darkness, I shall strike at you! Someday, vengeance will be mine!

Sasukefire 2 years ago#2

I don’t want any of that. I want a Sasuke Action game in the style of Ninja Gaiden 2 for the Xbox 360.

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I can’t get over you. Can’t get over you. And before I die, I pray that I could be the one.

IceCreamOnStero 2 years ago#3

I don’t want a Naruto CaC. I think if they really needed to do it, they’d have to do it like Xenoverse, awkwardly bulls***ting some ninja tech for time travel.

Dokkan ID: 0908603917

Guide 2 years ago#4

I wouldn’t mind a CaC because Kishi set some rules while still allowing for a level of freedom. Actually, I would take issue with how many people would try to replicated characters.

It would get rage, but I would disallow green jumpsuits unless you reached a certain rank in Lee’s dojo, or something like that.

evening main 0908603917e+91

Guide 2 years ago#5

Sasukefire posted…

I don’t want any of that. I want a Sasuke Action game in the style of Ninja Gaiden 2 for the Xbox 360.

This is also quite acceptable.

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evening main 0908603917e+91

IceCreamOnStero 2 years ago#6

Guide posted…

I wouldn’t mind a CaC because Kishi set some rules while still allowing for a level of freedom. Actually, I would take issue with how many people would try to replicated characters.

It would get rage, but I would disallow green jumpsuits unless you reached a certain rank in Lee’s dojo, or something like that.

I wonder how many people would be mad that they can’t make Sasuke 2.0 except this time with every random power.

Dokkan ID: 0908603917

Flash 2 years ago#7

If Shadow the Hedgehog can get his own action game so can Sasuke


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