Home / Entertainment / After Kieu Anh Hera, female streamer Lai Lai was ex-hot girlfriend hot photo, “Horn Plug”
August 30, 2018 Entertainment 169 Views
[external_link_head]In early 2018, the gaming community came out of the news that Kieu Anh Hera was shocked by his friend Shyn, who had a seven-horned horror movie. with another female streamer
She’s a pretty hot girl, especially in the PUBG community and rules of survival. Lai Lai gets her boyfriend in Canada to release a series of hot pics as the two videos go back and forth during the love story.
Lai Lai’s message was posted by his ex-boyfriend. Afterwards Lai Lai regretted and hoped to resume the old love. Shortly after he broke up, Lai Lai immediately met Rambo. Rambo is the new friend of Lai Lai. “src =” http://media22.tiin.vn//archive/images/0908603917/174131_lailai_3.jpg “style =” opacity: 1; “/>
Rambo is the new friend of Lai Lai.” src = “http://media22.tiin.vn//archive/images/0908603917/174131_lailai_3.jpg” style = “opacity: 1;” />
Rambo is the new friend of Lai Lai. Lai Lai’s new friend.
After the picture was published, Lai Lai spoke on the personal page of the “truth” about the incident. She said the pictures were taken two months ago by her ex-boyfriend while they were still in love. Because of his trusting friend Lai Lai should carelessly but sensitively in the design “immediately set up and lie down”. 9X confirms that it is normal to love far, even Long has sensitive pictures, but she does not want to be public.
[external_link offset=2]This story is currently being spread on social networks at a rapid pace. Many commentators have criticized Lai Lai as a “two-handed fish”, “there are new old ones”, but some people say that old boy named Long “women”, “can not eat, then he stepped back”. Hieu, female streamer Lai Lai was hit by a hot girlfriend, hotter & # 39; horn plug & # 39; 5 “src =” http://media22.tiin.vn//archive/images/0908603917/174156_lailai_4.jpg “style =” opacity: 1; “/>
[Zurück] Lai Lai’s real name Vu Hoai Trinh she is a pretty hot girl, especially in the PUBG community and the rules of survival, and currently Lai Lai mainly streams games via Facebook with relatively stable viewership.
Lai Lai is known for being the girlfriend of Rambo Gamer [Lai Lai’s personal Facebook page has more than 76,000 followers and YouTube has 16,000 likes.] This number is still rising rapidly due to recent rumors of their recent social affair
. Year of Donation 7 Horns, 2 Pregnancy & # 39;
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