For the former Marine captain, see Morgan. “Big News” Morgans is the president of the World Economy News Paper and one of the emperors of the Underworld. With his Devil Fruit powers active, Morgans has the form of a very tall human albatross hybrid with small eyes and a large beak. His body is covered in white feathers, and he has a large tail and wings that resemble human arms. He wears a blue top hat with a large striped feather in it, a light blue button-down shirt with a yellow bow on the to
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M4A1-S Red Dragon is an assault rifle variant of the M4A1 Silencer. This weapon features a full red background skin combined with gold dragon texture. Comes with an extended 35-round magazine (+5) and enhanced stability. CF China CF Vietnam CF Philippines CF West CF Brazil In CF Vietnam, this is the first M4A1 Silencer variant to be available in Black Market. This is one of the Red Dragon weapons that does not have the line “Red Dragon” on it. In CF Brazil, this is the most rare weapon of the se
Ace, Luffy, un jour, nous partirons en mer, nous quitterons ce royaume ! Et nous serons libres ! Ce que je veux, c’est découvrir le monde et écrire nos mémoires sur nos aventures ! Sabo à Ace et Luffy Sabo (サボ, Sabo) est le deuxième membre le plus important de l’Armée Révolutionnaire derrière Monkey D. Dragon, il est le frère spirituel de Monkey D. Luffy et Portgas D. Ace et le frère adoptif de Sterry, actuel roi du Royaume de Goa. Il est en réalité le fils d’Outlook III. Sabo est né dans une fa
Trebol is one of the top three officers of the Donquixote Pirates, acting as a Staff superior. He occupies the Club seat of the Donquixote Family, and is the leader of the crew’s Trebol Army subdivision. He is also personally responsible for fostering Donquixote Doflamingo’s cruelty from a young age, making him the indirect cause of an inhumanly large amount of evil and suffering brought about by Doflamingo’s wrath. Because of this, he can be considered a tertiary antagonist in the Dressrosa Arc
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For the chapter of the same name, see Chapter 922. Kaidou of the Beasts, renowned as the world’s “Strongest Creature”, is the Governor-General of the Beasts Pirates and one of the Four Emperors ruling over the New World. He is also the father of Yamato. From his base on Onigashima, Kaidou has occupied Wano Country along with his crew and once allied with Wano’s shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, until Kaidou decided to dispose of him for his New Onigashima Project. Decades ago before the formation of his
For the Marine commodore of the 77th Branch, see Pudding Pudding. Charlotte Pudding is the 35th daughter and the 76th child of the Charlotte Family, an officer of the Big Mom Pirates, and a hybrid between a human and a member of the Three-Eye Tribe. She also works as a chocolatier and the owner of cafe “Caramel” on Cacao Island, as the candidate for the vacant position of Minister of Chocolate (チョコレート大臣, Chokorēto Daijin?). She was once Sanji’s arranged fiancée, per the political agreement betwe
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Charlotte Katakuri is the second son and third child of the Charlotte Family and the elder triplet brother of Daifuku and Oven. He is also one of the Three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates and serves as Totto Land’s Minister of Flour (粉大臣, Kona Daijin?), governing over Komugi Island. Due to his actions and role, he is the secondary antagonist in the second half of the Whole Cake Island Arc. Katakuri is an extremely tall, large, and muscular man with short spiky crimson hair and two symmet