Category Archives: PC console

Phantom Lancer (DotA)

phantom lancer dota 1

Azwraith the Phantom Lancer is a hero from Dota Allstars. He is an Agility Sentinel hero. Although his true name is unknown to his allies, Azwraith’s assigned name tells you enough. Like the Angel of Death, Azrael, he fights to rid the world of those who choose to embrace undeath. He is able to appear and disappear at will like a wraith, often appearing in many places at once. Azwraith is more than capable of dispatching the undead using his lance, each blow sending them closer to the spirit-rea

Divine Rapier

divine dota 2

The Divine Rapier is an item listed at the Main Shop, under Weapons. However, it is assembled entirely with items from the Secret Shop. This item drops when its wielder dies, unless it has Reincarnation. Divine Rapier cannot be destroyed or sold. Divine Rapier cannot be put into the backpack. Buying or combining(using components in the backpack) Divine Rapier while the inventory is full will drop the Divine Rapier on the floor to be picked up. Unlike other combined items, Divine Rapier cannot be


talent dota 2

Talents are traits unique to each hero which can enhance the hero’s attributes, stats, and abilities. Each hero has a set of 8 talents, from which they can choose 4 over the course of a match, and eventually unlock them all on the latest levels. The talents are divided into 4 tiers, with 2 talents being available on each tier. The tiers are unlocked upon reaching level 10/15/20/25 respectively, with level 10 unlocking the first tier, and level 25 the last tier. A special sound ▶️ is played upon

Blink Dagger

blink dota 2

The Blink Dagger is an item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Miscellaneous. Initiating heroes with strong, large AoE disables rely heavily on Blink Dagger to take multiple enemies by surprise. Earthshaker Sand King Enigma Magnus Tidehunter Puck Some heroes can use Blink Dagger to initiate with smaller disables or burst damage, but usually on fewer or single targets. Support heroes with low cast animation disables can initiate on single targets for their team with Blink Dagger. Lion Crystal Ma

Lịch sử WarCraft toàn tập (Trọn bộ Full 5 Chương – Update 2019)

lịch sử warcraft toàn tập

Lịch sử Warcraft (còn gọi là “lịch sử vũ trụ Warcraft”) là một bản tóm tắt cốt truyện được tạo ra bởi Blizzard dùng để làm thông tin nền cho vũ trụ World of Warcraft, và được tổng hợp từ tất cả những sự kiện từ trước cho tới thời điểm đó