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How to Check IMEI Number in SONY Xperia Z3 D6603, how to

How to Check IMEI Number in SONY Xperia Z3 D6603, how to

You can find the IMEI Number by using a different method. Some of them are using the secret code, some of them leading you through the system settings and some shows you the way to find the IMEI physically on your device. By checking IMEI Number you can find more useful and hidden information like SONY Xperia Z3 D6603 Serial Number or Wi-Fi MAC Address.

Finding SONY Xperia Z3 D6603 IMEI

Let’s have a look to all possible methods of getting access to IMEI and Serial Number in SONY Xperia Z3 D6603. For all SONY devices you can use the presented below universal method:

  1. Unlock the screen and open the phone’s dialer.
  2. Type in the following secret code: *#06#
  3. As a result you should see the window with IMEI Number.

You can find more methods of checking IMEI Number HERE.

The second way to find instructions about checking IMEI and Serial Number is to watch this tutorial:

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In order to find more videos with IMEI Check Tutorials CLICK HERE

The above tutorials should give you the answer to the following questions. How to get SONY Xperia Z3 D6603 IMEI Number? How to get access to IMEI in SONY Xperia Z3 D6603? How to check out IMEI Number in SONY Xperia Z3 D6603? How to read IMEI info in SONY Xperia Z3 D6603? How to check Serial Number in SONY Xperia Z3 D6603?

What can you do with the SONY Xperia Z3 D6603 IMEI?

The IMEI number is the unique way of identifying your SONY Xperia Z3 D6603. So it can be used to get the full specification of your handset or in order to read the hidden information about SONY Xperia Z3 D6603. The IMEI Checking is common way to find out whether SONY Xperia Z3 D6603 is original and legit. What’s also really important you can use the IMEI to report your SONY Xperia Z3 D6603 as lost or stolen.

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If you would like to have access to all of this information vist website:

You may also use the IMEI form below:

The lookup function is easy in use and available for free. All you have to do is type in the IMEI Number into the special Bracket and tap CHECK Button.

By using IMEI services you can get access to:


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